ENK Appliance Service is one of the leading independent service provider for residential Fridge & Washing Machine repair in Hong Kong. We pride ourselves on offering the best service for our customers. We offer flexible scheduling to meet your needs. Call Mr Ho today on 9846 8082.
歡迎來到精藝電器維修網站!希望您通過流覽我們的網站可以找到所需資訊。我們向全港家庭客戶提供專業上門洗衣機,雪櫃維修服務。請致電何生- 9846 8082。
Replace Limited landfill capacity has been an increasing concern for Hong Kong in recent year. Unfortunately, the generation of solid waste has been growing at a much faster rate than expected, and our consumption-led lifestyle is putting extra pressure on all Hong Kong landfills. According to government source, existing landfills will be full, one by one, in the mid to late 2010s, as a result, additional land resource in Hong Kong may be scarified for develop new landfill sites to meet our waste disposal needs.
We believe in a bid to save the environment, we should stop buying new fridges, washing machines and instead repair them when they fail. Extend the life span of large appliances by repairing them can reduce unnecessary waste going to the landfills.